16 January, 2008

People With Fibromyalgia: I Need Your Input!

Since the does-fibro-exist-or-not debate seems to be back en vogue, I'm thinking of starting a blog or website with the images and stories of people with this condition, just to show the world that we're not all middle-aged white women, as the recent NYT article seemed to imply. Also, I've heard from several people that the (fairly) new Lyrica ad is a tad troubling, as it portrays people with fibro as "victims." Y/N?

I could use your thoughts/input/suggestions. Also, if any of you bloggers with fibro want to help me run this thing, that would be awesome.

EDIT: I did it anyway. Submissions are needed! :D


Anonymous said...

I would be more than happy to help and/or contribute to this project. I think it's a great idea, but i wonder if i, being a 31 year old white woman*, would hurt instead of help... at least when it comes to showing that not all folks with fibromyalgia are middle-aged white women. lol.

I don't know if i've seen the commercial in question. I tried to find it online, since i don't watch television, and the one i saw wasn't irritating at first glance. Well. There were some things about it that irritated me, but i wonder how much of that is a Just Me kinda thing.

* - i CAN trace some of the symptoms back to my single-digit years, and was eventually diagnosed in my early 20s.

vesta44 said...

I don't think I'd be much help either, since I'm 54 and white and female. I haven't been diagnosed yet (dr says it's too hard to get in to see a rheumatologist so she won't refer me), but I've had the symptoms since I was a kid (and I was told the bone pain was just "growing pains", deal with it).

annaham said...

I didn't mean to imply that the contributions of middle-aged white women weren't welcome. In fact, I would be really excited if both of you were to contribute! :D

歐陽丹 said...

i am only 27, and have been told that's pretty young for FMS, but i have heard of a lot of ppl my age being diagnosed...

i have been a bad read lately...but if you want any help w/ this project, i am so game.

let me know...and i am really liking your blog here...and just added you to the blogroll

歐陽丹 said...

PS~ vesta,

even when i saw the rheum, he wouldn't diagnose me. too many docs are afraid to dx this...i think they just don't have the guts to...it has really hurt me w/ my disability claims...MHO is that docs are ass hats to FMS patients...

and no one can figure out what "triggered" it in me...one doc told me pregnancy/childbirth may have been too much...who knows...

annaham said...

@ouyangdan: I'm 21, and was diagnosed in January of 2007.

I welcome and encourage that you submit something for the site! :D I'm adding you to my blogroll as well.

amanda said...

i was dxed when i was twelve.


was i a hysterical middle aged white woman then?

god, i hate the whole trope. "yuppie flu" -- ugh, someone just shoot me.