12 February, 2008

The Corporatocracy, They Lied to Me! HOW COULD THEY?!!11

You know, I may feel like an idiot sometimes, but it takes little things to remind me that in the grand scheme of things, I'm not an idiot. Or at least I'm not responsible for horrific t-shirts such as the ones pictured here, or for this misguided, ridiculous ad campaign, which promotes a product that arguably smells like ass. This is not news, however; whenever I see some poor sap buy Axe, I feel a twinge of pity and a whole lotta vehement dislike.

Extra irony for extra lulz: Unilever, the company that owns Axe, is also responsible for the stupidly simplistic "Dove Campaign For Real Beauty" that nearly everyone was slobbering over, rather Pavlovianly, a few months back. It's true. More proof that in a corporatocracy such as ours, companies will resort to such tripe as talking out of both sides of their mouths to make a buck and/or make us believe that we have "free choice," or that supporting their "campaign for real beauty" constitutes some sort of radical act of self-esteem. Again, not really news, but sort of troubling nonetheless.

Oh, and Unilever also makes skin-whitening creams, which is apparently big business in countries like India. GO, UNIVERSAL WORSHIP OF WHITENESS!

Okay, enough commerciopolitical talk. My neck hurts. Off to rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now, see, i agree w/ your points about the corporatocracy...but i fully enjoyed the "onslaught" ad that dove made...

i don't know a lot about large corporations...i don't know how much dove answers to unilever, and how much they are entwined in their products...it feels awkward, but on one hand, you have company trying to put out a good message and we are so upset about their parent company that we can't see the forest...i do know that daughter companies aren't always of the same mindset of the parent that gets them up and going...

as a mother, the "onslaught" video really spoke to me. i don't buy or use dove products, so i can't speak to how effective it was if they were trying to sell me something...i got more of a "talk to your kids" message...

i do detest their parent company...unilever leaves a lot to be desired and a bad smell in the room...no arguments that axe is detestable and that the big "pro white" campaign is out of hand...i fully agree...but i am fond of the "killing us softly" ads.

but the other stuff you linked to...dead on! i agree w/ every word...